Orlando Shelter Dog Called 'Ugly' by Potential Adopters Finds Home Where She Is 'Cherished'

A shelter dog named Duchess who was called "ugly" because of growths under her eyes, underwent surgery to remove the growths and was adopted after her recovery by a loving family.

The heartbreaking tale of One Orlando Dog Animal Shelter has become one of optimism.

According to local news station Fox 35 Orlando, the puppy, known as Dutchess, moved to Orange County Animal Services in Orlando during the 2022 holiday season due to a problem with the owner.

She arrived with facial deformities under her eyes, small lumps on the underside of her eyelids, but had difficulty finding a family.

The shelter stated on Facebook had shelter that it has no effect on another woman from the fact that no one can seem to bypass it. "The sad side is that Dutchess adores everyone to pronounce perfection. Every day, she walks up to the doors of the kennel, eager for the new day and unshakably positive."

In addition, some people made derogatory remarks about Dutchess's appearance while going through the kennel, the Orange County Animal Services noted in the publication.

"She looks terrible. And what is this? Why is it defective? Are they blind? What exactly will this cost me? She won't ever be adopted "according to a Facebook post by the shelter, these were some of the feedback she received.".

Duchess was able to leave the shelter as a result of this social media post from the facility. The animal was adopted by Dream Rescue Dogs Inc.for the first time., Who then placed her in a foster home. Shortly after the arrival of the Puppy, Rescue Dogs Dream of an Inc.in the future, the dog will be rescued. He posted an update on Facebook stating that she had devoured a McDonald's cheeseburger and was " making herself right at home [ + ] home."

According to rescue, a veterinarian " decided "that Duchess would need surgery to remove the growths under her eyes because it was" uncomfortable for her."

A statement released on December 27 stated that the operation to remove the growths behind Dutchess's eyes, which were later identified as unusual skin cysts with which dogs can be born, was successful.

Thousands of people reacted to Orange County Animal Services ' initial post about Dutchess and her problems on social media, sparking a wave of adoption requests.

Dutchess was renamed Lena after joining her new family after surgery. The new dog owners told Fox 35 Orlando that she is the sweetest dog they have ever met.

Rescuing dogs is a dream of the Inc. She informed the outlet, " she now has a new mom and dad to spoil the rotten (dad works from home), and she has a new brother to play with, in her own yard. She is a beloved member of the family and gets to go on excursions and adventures.
